Michael T. Bello

He is the Executive Administrator and Chief Photographer for the College Squash Association.

Stay connected:

Featured Stories:

Wellesley College: Squash Club Sport Coach

Position Title: Wellesley Squash Club Sport Coach Job Requisition...

Georgetown University: Head Women’s Squash Coach

Position Title: Head Coach for Women's Squash - Hoya...

CSA Partners with DigiMithril to Implement IntelliReferee

The College Squash Association (CSA) is excited to announce...

Denison University: Assistant Men’s and Women’s Squash Coach

Position Title: Assistant Men's and Women's Squash Coach Position Number:...

2017 Academic All-Ivy League Team Announced

Twelve squash players earned Academic All-Ivy honors this year.

2017 Women’s College Squash Team Championships (Walker Cup): Amherst and William Smith #1s (Video)

Here is video of the match between Gabrielle Fraser (William Smith) and Kim Krayacich (Amherst).

Photos from the 2017 Women’s College Squash Team Championships: Colby and Hamilton #3s

Here are photos of the match between Julianna Song (Colby) and Perry Von Stade (Hamilton).

Bard Adds Varsity Women’s Squash

Bard College announced yesterday that it is adding women’s squash as a varsity program for the 2017 – 2018 season.

2017 Men’s College Squash Team Championships (Potter Cup): Trinity and Harvard #1s (Video)

Here is video of the match between Saadeldin Abouaish (Harvard) and Kush Kumar (Trinity).

Photos from the 2017 Men’s College Squash Team Championships: Virginia and Williams #8s

Here are photos of the match between Harrison Kapp (Virginia) and Claude Smith (Williams).


Popular articles

Wellesley College: Squash Club Sport Coach

Position Title: Wellesley Squash Club Sport Coach Job Requisition...

Georgetown University: Head Women’s Squash Coach

Position Title: Head Coach for Women's Squash - Hoya...

CSA Partners with DigiMithril to Implement IntelliReferee

The College Squash Association (CSA) is excited to announce...

Denison University: Assistant Men’s and Women’s Squash Coach

Position Title: Assistant Men's and Women's Squash Coach Position Number:...

Trinity College: Assistant Women’s Squash Coach

Trinity College Assistant Women's Squash Coach Full-Time Below you will find the...