HomeArticlesCollege Squash Reminders (1/30)

College Squash Reminders (1/30)

Northampton, MA — Last night, the e-mail below was sent to coaches, team contacts, and sports information directors.

Coaches, Team Contacts, and SIDs,

Award Nominations are Due February 1st. Nominations for the Skillman, RIchey, and Wetzel awards are due by February 1st. As a reminder, here are summaries of each award:

  • Skillman Award is given annually to a senior men’s squash player who has demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship during his entire college career
  • Richey Award is given annually to the senior women’s player and sportswoman of the year
  • Wetzel Award is given annually to the best senior women’s player to learn squash in college. Here is a link to the Wetzel nomination form.

A few other reminders:

  • Player of the Week: Please nominate deserving players for Player of the Week honors by 6 PM ET Monday (1/31). Criteria: A Player of the Week should have a significant impact on his or her team’s performance during the prior week and demonstrate sportsmanship. Coaches, Sports Information Directors, and Team Contacts may nominate players by contacting me. Last Week’s Winners: Elizabeth Guyman of Smith College and Allan Lutz of the Naval Academy
  • Scholar Athlete Nominations: The scholar athlete nominations are due February 10th. Please note that late nominations will NOT be accepted
  • Enter Match Scores: Please enter your match scores ASAP. A number of neutral site matches have not been recorded and rankings need to be computed.