College Squash Reminders (2/17): Men’s Team Championship Lineups and Individual Entries

College Squash Reminders (2/17): Men’s Team Championship Lineups and Individual Entries

Northampton, MA — Today, the e-mail below was sent to coaches, team contacts, and sports information directors.

Coaches and Team Contacts,

Two items as we approach the Men’s National Team Championships:

1. Submit Lineups for Team Championships: If your team is participating in the National Team Championships, please submit your line-ups to me. The lineup sheet may be downloaded and is also attached. Late submittals will NOT be permitted.

Men’s line-ups are due by 12 PM ET (noon) on February 21st. By 8 PM ET on Monday, February 21st, we will circulate the line-ups. You have until 5 PM ET on Tuesday, February 22nd to protest anyone’s line-up. Protests must be as detailed as possible, with supporting information, and must be directed to the Executive Administrator. Protests will be evaluated and final line-ups will be posted on the CSA website on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 23rd. we have already received lineups from the following schools: Charleston, College of; Dartmouth, Fordham, USC, and Washington, University of

Teams may submit line-ups of 11 players; however, only the top 10 players are eligible to compete in the top 9 ladder positions.

If you do not submit your team’s line-up, we will have to use the last line-up listed in the US Squash scoring system. Even if this is the correct line-up, please submit the form prior to the deadline. Since some teams have players listed as “Not on Roster” in the US Squash scoring system, these spots will be automatic defaults at Team Championships if we have to use your last line-up.

Please bring copies of your line-ups to Team Championships.

2. Individual Entry Form: The entry form for the men’s individual championships may be downloaded and is also attached. Entries are due to Bob Callahan by February 26th at midnight ET.

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