2013-2014 Dunlop Men’s College Squash Team Rankings (2/9/2014)

2013-2014 Dunlop Men’s College Squash Team Rankings (2/9/2014)

[rankingimage] Northampton, MA — Today, the tenth [mtr] of the season were released.

After defeating Trinity last week, Harvard takes over as the top team in the nation.

Georgetown’s 5-4 victory over Virginia helped clarify the 29th – 31st positions.

Haverford moved into the 40th spot after defeating NYU.

Teams that are not competing in the 2014 Men’s College Squash Association National Team Championships were removed from this week’s rankings.

Below are the [mtr] as of February 9, 2014. Listed after each school’s name is their previous ranking.

  1. Harvard University (2)
  2. Trinity College (1)
  3. Yale University (3)
  4. St. Lawrence University (4)
  5. Franklin and Marshall College (5)
  6. Rochester, University of (6)
  7. Cornell University (7)
  8. Pennsylvania, University of (8)
  9. Princeton University (9)
  10. Western Ontario, University of (10)
  11. Columbia University (11)
  12. Dartmouth College (12)
  13. Naval Academy (13)
  14. Drexel University (14)
  15. Williams College (15)
  16. Bates College (16)
  17. Middlebury College (17)
  18. Wesleyan University (18)
  19. Brown University (19)
  20. George Washington University (20)
  21. Bowdoin College (21)
  22. Amherst College (22)
  23. Colby College (23)
  24. Hamilton College (24)
  25. Connecticut College (25)
  26. Hobart College (26)
  27. Stanford University (27)
  28. Bucknell University (28)
  29. Georgetown University (30)
  30. Johns Hopkins University (31)
  31. Virginia, University of (29)
  32. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (32)
  33. Northeastern University (33)
  34. Boston College (34)
  35. Denison University (35)
  36. Tufts University (36)
  37. Boston University (37)
  38. Lehigh University (38)
  39. Colgate University (39)
  40. Haverford College (41)
  41. New York University (40)
  42. Charleston, College of (42)
  43. Chicago, University of (43)
  44. Washington University (St. Louis) (44)
  45. Northwestern University (45)
  46. Richmond, University of (46)
  47. Swarthmore College (47)
  48. Pennsylvania State University (48)
  49. Fordham University (49)
  50. California Berkeley, University of (50)
  51. Washington, University of (51)
  52. Southern California (USC), University of (52)
  53. Vassar College (53)
  54. Ithaca College (55)
  55. Siena College (56)
  56. Bryant University (57)
  57. Minnesota, University of (61)
  58. Notre Dame, University of (62)
  59. Sewanee: University of the South (NR)
  60. Vanderbilt University (NR)

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